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【Workshop】Sound Healing Therapy 音でリラックス -サウンドヒーリングワークショップ-


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☆講師 Yogesh Kumar(ヨゲッシュ クマール)

ヨゲッシュ師は、全米ヨガアライアンス認定200時間を卒業したヨガ講師であり、サウンドヒーラー。彼は音や体の動き、呼吸が体という私たちの魂の乗り物を癒すということに気がつき、その後様々な部族の楽器の扱い方を取得。 現在は古から伝わる様々な叡智を、このサウンドヒーリングというセッションを通して沢山の人にシェアしている。

Varnika Savena(ヴァルニカ シャクエーナ)

ヴァルニカ師は様々なヒーリングの方法を用いて(サウンドヒーリング、瞑想など)癒しを与えるヒーラーとして活躍。彼女は呼吸や動き、音や瞑想の方面で学びを深め全米ヨガアライアンス認定200時間も卒業。 現在はサウンドヒーラーとして音のもつ人を癒す効果や深い瞑想へと導く効果、その人々それぞれに内側に至福を広げる活動を行なっている。













☆What is Sound Therapy?

As we know, everything is sound and any discomfort or disease is a distortion of the sound in some are of body. Reintroducing the correct sound helps to restore the harmony in that area. Sound healing therapy helps you to achieve overall wellbeing. Sound Therapy uses sound, music and unique instruments played in therapeutic ways, combined with deep self-reflection techniques to improve health and wellbeing. Sound therapy combines carefully considered therapeutic sound techniques that have shown to affect physiology, neurology and psychology by awakening reflective enquiry, self questioning. The therapeutic sound and sound therapy techniques are delivered using tonal and rhythmic instruments with human voice.

☆The Sound Temple - Journey into the heart of sacred sounds Sacred sounds & soulful songs are simple yet profound ways to connect with the core of our inner being. By establishing a sense of wholeness through the gentleness of resonance, the procedure tunes our whole being at the cellular level. Sound healers Varunika and Yogesh will lead an inspirational session comprising of mantras, toning process and sound-bathing with organic voices coming from the heart. They will create a temple of sounds using pure vocal tones and the unique sounds of playing organic Music. You will be participating in reciting Mantras on Harmonium and flute. Gradually participante will be guided to perform the Art of Toning through using vocal glands, breath patterns harmonising with organic sounds of tribal instruments. we pour are heart to create a ocean of sounds and waves using Tibetan Singing bowls, Flutes, Harps, Kalimba, Gongs, Didgeridoo, Water Sound, Sitar, Shamanic Drum, Hapi Drum, Pan Flute, Ghungharoo and Shakers. We will make a gentle transition into the exquisiteness of bathing in the heart of sacred sound.

We also believe in metro city, mind hustles and it is nearly impossible to sit and meditate, So we have designed easier way of meditation and relaxation through art work and sound bath, where we offer participants the patterned artwork to colour and in background we play rhythmic sound to compliment. In this session coloring the patterns helps you to recenter your mind and organic sound bath in background helps to calm down with each stroke of brush to surrender deep within.

☆Date and Time

・Delhi Center

21st February 10:30~11:30




Yogesh and Verunika

☆Book/ Enquiry

To send us as below information or call


【Sound Healing 】


・Mobile number




Namah Shivaya Yoga

International School of Yoga & Meditation



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